Reflectance Synthesizer
(24Jan04) 111K
©Colour4Free: xls
This Excel spreadsheet is used to synthesize a full reflectance spectrum from an input of only three colorimetric values, for example CIE L* a* b*, or CIE L* C* h° or CIE X Y Z values.
It contains a macro, the macro is safe and the utility will only run with the macro switched on.
(24Jan04) 68K
©Colour4Free: xls
This Excel spreadsheet is used to determine CIEDE2000 colour difference values from CIE L*a*b* values. It features a method of splitting the total difference into hue, lightness and chroma components.
Also calculated are the CIE L* a* b*, CIE L* C* H*, CMC colour difference and CIE 94 colour difference.
(30Jan04) 117K
©Colour4Free: xls

This Excel spreadsheet is used to determine the dominant wavelength, and excitation purity of an XYZ colour stimulus. The complementary wavelength is also determined.

Values can be determined for the CIE 2 degree and for the 10 degree observer functions.

(20Aug04) 41K
©Colour4Free: xls

Convert between: X Y Z and Y x y
L* a* b* and L* C* h°
L* u' v', L* u* v* and L* C* h°
CIE Whiteness and tint values are calculated also.

(08Feb04) 71K
©Colour4Free: xls
This Excel spreadsheet is used to convert values of L* a* b* (or L* C* h) to values of RGB for a video display screen. The conversion is based on the sRGB definitions of the the light emitted from the display screen.